Hey folks... one of these days we'll get back to blogging... here's some good news: Mel's back is starting to ease up a little bit. She will be following up with the Neurosurgeon sometime in the next week or two... if he still wants to cut on her then we will probably let him... otherwise, enjoy this cut-n-paste from our friend Louis:
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Dear Barack (A Valentine's Day Break-Up)
Dear Barack,
We really need to talk. I know the timing is awful with it being Valentine's Day, but I've had these thoughts building up in my head for months now that I just can't shake and can no longer ignore. I've tried to brush them aside and tell myself I am imagining it or that things will change, but now I realize that things won't change unless I change them. That is why I've decided, Barack, that we need to break up. I want to tell you that this is because of me, not you ... but no, it really is you. I'm sorry. It just isn't going to work out.
You have a right to know what brought us to this point. When we met, I was at a low point with my last guy, George. Shortly after I met George we were attacked at home by a bunch of thugs. They did a lot of damage to our house and hurt my family, and several even died. George was never the most eloquent man, but he went after them and put a hurt on them, and I knew that with him around those thugs would not attack again. Sure there were things about him that got under my skin. He spent more money than we really had to spend, and he let our neighbors come in and out of the house without even knocking, but he kept us safe and that counted for a lot.
Then you came along. Oh, how I remember that day. You were so tall, dark and handsome, so charming and debonair, a bit mysterious and a little dangerous ... it sent a tingle up my leg. It was kind of like you were a god. My friends were swooning over you and telling me how much better you were than George, how he was just a big, dumb jerk and you were someone they could really like. You said all the right things, you were so inspiring and you made us feel that with you in charge we could find hope in change. You made us feel like with you in charge the oceans would recede and the earth would start to heal, and that all the friends that ditched me when I was with George would now come back and like us again.
After I split with George I was so excited to be with you, at least to start with. But then things began to change. I started off thinking that you would be able to fix all of our problems, but over time I realized that you just can't, and too many times when you try you just make the situation worse. George was bad at spending too much money but you make him look downright miserly. I've tried to tell you that we can't keep maxing out the credit cards just because we want something or think it would be good. You just won't listen though and now our checkbook is overdrawn, our savings depleted, we're having to borrow from "friends" that don't even like us and we're having to use the kids' college fund (for kids we haven't even had yet!) as collateral. We just can't keep this up, Barack!
It's not just that, either. I want to feel protected but now you've gone to the same thugs that attacked us and apologized for us being attacked! You told them that is was probably our fault for thinking we are better than everybody else, or for wearing the wrong clothes or too much make-up. Well you know what? I'm not perfect but I like who I am. I'm a good person and I don't want you making apologies for me! You are supposed to love me, and that means not belittling me in public. If I have a problem you take care of it within the walls of our home. How can I trust you will protect me when you act like that?
That's not all either. You want to tell me how much and what I can eat, what I have to do when I am sick (even when the stuff you are telling me has been tried and has never worked), how much electricity I can use, what I must drive, that if I want a job it has to be a "green" job, and stuff like that. And by the way, it was bad enough when you let the neighbors come in and out of the house without permission, but now you want to let them move in and have us pay their bills! We can barely afford our own bills, Barack!
Finally, I don't like your friends. Nancy has a freaky laugh and just plain scares me, Harry is a grumpy blowhard, Joe thinks he knows everything but puts his foot in his mouth so often he has to use Tinactin as a throat spray, Barney is funny but really creepy and Chuckie is arrogant and overbearing. I never thought I'd see the day when Hillary seems to be the most rational of your friends.
Anyway, I could keep going but you get the idea. It just isn't working. You can stay in the house until the lease is up, but I want your friends out by November. I'm sorry that things had to end this way, but I hope we can still be friends, okay?
The American People
Snow, snow and more Snow
11 years ago
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