Today is April's birthday! Happy Birthday April! She's a couple years younger than me and a couple years older than Ginger.... that's all I have to say about that. Oh yeah, she's about 10 years younger than Melinda which brings me to mention that Melinda's birthday is tomorrow... I'll wish her happy B-day then.
Our new(ish) computer recently crashed and we lost every photo and music file that was on it so I'm digging through online storage places to find a pic to post. Here's one of April from the July 4 weekend of '07 when we camped @ Ft. Mountain in Chatsworth, GA. She's giving someone "one of her looks"... wink/wink
picture deleted per Melinda's request. Sorry
When I get a chance, I'll scan or upload a newer/nicer picture...
Anyway, Happy Birthday April, we miss you and hope to see you and your family again soon.
(FWIW, I'm very sleep deprived and will likely re post this Birthday wish when I have my wits about me)
Snow, snow and more Snow
11 years ago