Scott Bedwell: left my window down in my car last night... again! Was worried about the rain getting in until I opened the door to find that the neighbor's stupid cat had climbed in and taken a nasty, runny, CRAP on not one, but both back seat floorboards!!!!...! The floor mats were still up on the seats from vaccuuming... Soooo, the idiot cat $h!tted right onto the upholstry!!!! Uuuuggghhhhhh!!!!
Alyson McQueen Pearson: Yuck!
Beckara Mosley: LOL
Scott Bedwell: This same flee-farmer has crapped on the railing of our back porch, in our garage, and on our neighbor's front porch... I think he has some problems.... AND, I think he's about to turn up missing!!!!!!!!!!!
William Neese: To bad it did not rain enough to wash away the cat poop.
Melinda Bryant Bedwell: I suppose you're going to want my car tomorrow--- I forgot um to tell you I'm going to Atlanta tomorrow, yea, that's it. Sorry-/ need my car!!!
Scott Bedwell: Aaarrrrrrggghhhhhh!!!! DEATH TO PROZAC!!!!! (that's actually the cat's name)
Louis DeBroux: cat...the other white meat. Time for some stir fry.
Allison Hollis-Ball: That is HILARIOUS.... I'm LMAO @ your story. BOTH floorboards?
Scott Bedwell: Not sure I'd eat this one, might get whatever illness is making it poop everywhwere except where it should... In the woods (or on the neighbors porch)
Scott Murphy: Sounds like the cat might wanna go on a little field trip to check out its survival skills
Scott Bedwell: My thoughts exactly... I wonder how well it can swim...
Nancy Hearn Booth: I'll bet you don't leave your windows down again.
Louis DeBroux: Hey, get one of those water balloon launchers and see how far you can shoot the cat out of it!
Doug Morris: Ewwwww...lesson learned?
Doug Morris: Louis has the right idea...The CAT-APULT !!!
John Miller: Nice.
Tiffany Denise Jemison Garner: I love all of the comments about the kitty. Sorry Scotty!
Jackie Dove: Hmmmm... I don't think that cat likes you Dude! I can relate though, we have an elderly cat who pisses in crazy places and she shit all over my bed when I had the flu! She was mad because I was ignoring her! Cat fluids are the worse!
Doug Morris: Jackie, I'm experiencing that right now. We have an old cat(19) thats just whizzing everywhere but her box now. Ewwww
Scott Bedwell: Yeah, yeah... lesson learned... Louis, I really like the concept... But I want the cat to pay the way he's making me pay... I think I'm gonna catch him and lock him in Ethan/Stanton's bathroom after they've both "taken care of business"... But I'm affraid he'd just poop in there too... So, nevermind.... It's the balloon launcher for Prozac after all!!
Scott Bedwell: Thanks for your sympathy folks, but this cat isn't old, he's just over a year, very sweet, doubt he's mad at me... Well, unless he realizes that I'm the one who sent his girlfriend and her kittens on an extended vacation to farm country... He might be able to meet back up with them tonight when we go on a lil' ride..
Doug Morris: WHEW !!! When you said you were gonna make the cat pay the way he's making you pay, I thought you were gonna go take a dump in his litter box and make his family think a cougar had crapped there. LOL
Actually I've always wanted to do that. Go to someone's house that has a kitty litter box in their bathroom, drop a massive one in there and cover it up. Can you imagine when the family comes to clean out the cat box and finds one about 1' long LMAO...."Kitty, are you ok?" Bwahhahahaaha
Scott Bedwell: Doug, dude, I'm cryin' cause I'm laughing so hard... I would entertain the idea, but this cat is our neighbor's "outdoor cat".... But dang man! That was friggin' hillarious ....
"kitty, are you ok?"
Scott Bedwell: well, gotta go rent the steam cleaner!!! just be glad you can't smell cat-feces through the internet!!!
Scott Bedwell: wish i had some liquid nitrogen so i could freeze it, scrape it up from the carpet, borrow the neighbor's vaccuum cleaner, suck it up while it's still frozen, give the vaccuum cleaner back and let it thaw in the bag...
Allison Hollis-Ball: Scott, I don't know your friend, Doug, but when Morris (my cat) goes.... it probably looks like YOU went. Except for one little thing: Morris doesn't go in the box. Morris goes OUTSIDE the box. He points the wrong direction. OH, I forgot to tell you morris is 22 lbs. That might give you the visual. Morris has IBS, too, right Scott? Be glad HE wasn't trapped in your car.
Scott Bedwell: Oh yeah, Allison, thanks for the silver lining... I AM very greatful that Morris wasn't in my car... and yes, I remember Morris... seems like he had a "pointed the wrong way" incedent once while we were studying @ ur house during the nursing school era... Good times ;~}
Doug Morris: Glad you liked that !! So next party you and the Mrs. go to, look for the kitty litter box in the bathroom and enjoy. LOL
Scott Bedwell: It's on the itenerary... Especially when the neighbors (Prozac's owners) throw their next get-together...
And on the IRONIC side of things... Stanton was outside and saw one of the neighbors... He took it upon himself to tell her about the present left in my car... She said "tell your parents that if they see Prozac, catch him and bring him over... We're taking him to get neutered tomorrow"...
Talk about justice being served!!!
Judi Powell: Scott, the stories you and your friend Doug are telling have got me LMBO to the point of tears. I needed a good laugh. Thanks!
As for the poop, I suggest that you scoop it up in a bag and label it "Prozac's gift to mom and dad" on the outside and place it in the floorboard of their car.Put a hole in the bag so it has a chance to leak out.
Allison Hollis-Ball: Scott.... I have laughed about this for so long. It's great to read the thread over and over. Be sure to thank the neighbors cat for me, too. God that's funny.
Scott Bedwell: Glad we could be of service... I didn't laugh until Doug's last post... Now I can't stop... I want to go poop in my neighbors litter box one day when we're over there... just for fun
Allison Hollis-Ball: I know, seriously.... it makes you want to go do that w/ a hidden camera and a reveal for later. Hilarious! You could put it on youtube. DO IT!
Allison Hollis-Ball: OH MY GOD.... the cat's name is PROZAC? Talk about a silver lining. This is the best story EVER. Thanks!
Scott Bedwell: Bwaaahaaahaahahaaa!!! "Kitty, are you OK?"...... I can't stop laughing!.... Thanks Doug.... (if ur wondering, just read my last status/post)
Alyson McQueen Pearson: That made my day! I made everyone in the office come read it!! LMAO
Scott Bedwell: made mine too. glad we could entertain ur office... i'm getting ready to go rent a steam cleaner!!!!!! UUUGGHHHH!!!!
William Neese: With a steam cleaner in this Ga heat, your car will be a cat POO sauna:0
Scott Bedwell: be glad u don't have "smell-a-vision" on ur computer
Lowry Burton Vasko: Oh my word!!! I just about fell out of my chair!!! :-D Sorry about the cat poo...but it sure is entertaining for the rest of us!!!
Scott Bedwell: what's on my mind... what about "what's on my floorboard?"... THAT is the question...
Mac McKinney: Yep! Bad Kitty.. BAD KITTY!!
Sarah Kimpel Taylor: "Kitty, are u ok?"

Prozac going on a low altitude orbit!!
Mac McKinney: Hillarious!
Jessica Magnusson: the only thing i can think cats are good for. love this picture

Ethan & Stanton waiting while dad rents the cat poop extractor
Amber Cain: Is it as scary as it sounds?
Jessica Magnusson: cats are the debil.
Scott Bedwell: Amber, Jessie,... Y'all need to go to my wall and read my status from earlier today, actually my last 3 statuses... And the 30+ coments... You should get a good chuckle
Jessica Magnusson: oh wow. that was a good laugh. sorry for your car though.
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