Ok folks. Here it is. (If you happen to work with me, do not let this out just yet, I need to make sure it's solid!) I doubt that anyone I work with reads this, but there is a link to our blog on every email I send so, ..... you never know!!!
Well, most of you know that I've been working every night, many weekends, and many many holidays for the last 5 or so years... and before that I worked 'till at least midnight 5, 6 and sometimes 7 days a week; plus just about every weekend and holiday for about 10 years right?
Well, my (and Melinda's) prayers may be answered. I'm just asking that y'all remember us in your prayers too. I have had a couple informal over the phone interviews for a position in the PACU (Post anesthesia care unit... aka: "recovery room") and will have a face-to-face interview on this Wednesday morning. It will be a transfer in the same hospital so there will be no change in pay... in fact, I'll be loosing between $3-$5/hour in shift differentials & etc. but hope to make some of that up in "on call pay". The gig is from 10 am to 6 pm Tuesday-Friday (yeah, that's only 32 hours week, but being on call 1 night a week + coming in early or staying late some days adds up... and I can always pick up a shift or 1/2 shift in the ICU at a moment's notice....they are always in need)... besides, with this schedule, if we find that it's necessary, Melinda can get a part-time job for a while. If Wednesday works out (which in talking on the phone with the manager, it sounds promising) I could be on days within this month!!! That means I can eat and sleep the same time my wife and kids are eating and sleeping, I can function like a real person... You just don't know how bad I need this!!! Hopefully I can lose some weight, lower my blood pressure and cholesterol by having regular sleep patters... and another plus is the fact that there are showers so I can get a bike ride in before work and just lock my bike on the rack. We don't have showers in ICU so I haven't had that luxury... Anyway, we are pretty excited, but are trying not to count our chickens before they hatch. I just wanted to let y'all in on it. BTW, surgeons don't schedule procedures on weekends and holidays, so unless it's emergent and I'm on call (which is every 8th weekend), then no weekend work unless I'm picking it up in the ICU. Pretty cool.
So, the moral to the story: Prayer Works. Please remember us in your prayers.
Snow, snow and more Snow
11 years ago
scott that is great! I am very excited for you guys! Let us know when it is official!
Hey, Melinda and Scott - Lynne here. I love your blog and Ricky and I are excited to catch up with you guys. So here's a funny story - I had your blog up the other night because I was listening to your playlist (Great stuff by the way - y'all have always had great taste in music.) So, it was scrolled down a little bit to where you could see the picture of President Monson and Riley came in and was like, "Gasp...Is this President Monson's blog?" After I stopped laughing I said "No, it belongs to the family of one of your old boyfriends." She didn't believe me, though. Anyway, great to see y'all are doing well. Congrats on the new job, Scott. We'll be praying that everything works out. Keep in touch! Oh yeah, Melinda - you should post some recipes!
Any "official" word?
Official word is the job is mine, but first 2 things have to happen: I have to have my current manager release me to transfer (which she can keep me for up to 6 weeks, plus she can appeal for longer based on being short staffed-- then who knows how long--- I hope she doesn't do that)... also I have to go on an off day and work a shift in the PACU shadowing someone just to ensure that it's something that I want to do(yes, I'll get paid for it). So, I am going to talk to my Nurse Manager on Monday to get her signature (this is a bad week due to JCAHO being here for new).... and I'm going to work next friday in the PACU... I'm pretty stoked... Thanks for the prayers.
BTW... It's good to here from you Lynne... how'd you find our BLOG? I'm at work now, but I'll let Melinda know that you posted.
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